Whats your type?

Your crown is unique and says more about you than you think. Many times when your first meet someone, you will look at their hair and think “they have good hair,” or “dang her hair is nappy!” Although we make these judgements, there is no such thing as bad hair; unless its just damaged.

Society has made us believe that in order to have good hair, then you must look mixed or have a soft texture with a good curl pattern. Looking at the chart above, society would label the 4C hair type as “nappy” or “bad hair.” This is all just a preference. The only difference in good and bad hair is how healthy the hair actually is.

Well how do you keep your hair healthy you ask? The first step is knowing the type of hair you have. The hair types range from 1-4c or from naturally straight to naturally curly to naturally kinky curly. Different types require different treatment. All of the types requires you wash your hair. You should avoid shampoos that is made up of alcohol and sulfate. This will keep your hair form drying out and losing the good oils that are essential for your hair. Thats right! OIL! I know so many people who avoid putting oil on their hair due to how it weighs it down and because of the residue that it leaves. I would recommend any natural oil for your hair, tee tree oil, or black castor oil. Usually curlier hair results in moisturizing your hair more frequently.

When it comes to maintaining your hair, an important acronym to remember L.O.C. Although this Essence article is mainly about relaxed hair, they explain that L.O.C. (liquid, oil, cream) is the best method for natural hair. This method is used when styling your natural hair. First you will apply water to your hair. When moisturizing your hair, water is your best friend!– other than me 🀞🏽. Water adds a protective layer to to your hair which holds on to oils in that you will apply next. Last you will apply a cream moisturizer. This adds another layer that locks everything in. If you ever forget the steps just remember to “loc” in your moisture!

Life is too short to have boring hair! πŸ’πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Love Your Crown, Cherish Your Crown, PROTECT Your Crown!

protective styles

Protective Hair Styles

Don’t you hate days that feels like nothing can go right? When you roll out of bed, and you’re already ready to hop back in bed? Those mornings when you’re running behind and just before you walk out of the door you realize- OH SNAP! You didn’t fix that agitating hair flaw.

Protective hairstyles are not only convenient, but they are great for growing your hair out and keeping it from getting damaged. When doing a protective style, you can get as creative as you want. With the endless hairstyles, you can expect to wear them for up to a month. THATS RIGHT! For a whole month, you would only have to keep your scalp washed and oiled. Although there are some that last shorter than a month, you can always get up and go without that extra responsibility.

When styling your hair with protective styles, you can go with something simple using your natural hair, adding weave for braids and twist, or even throwing on a wig. Although a lot of women are scared when it comes to wigs, that is usually my go to. There is no better feeling than getting my hair braided up and trying on different wigs. When wearing wigs, it is very important to keep your natural hair braided under you wig cap. Being that braids are the best protective styles, its used most when styling natural hair.

Recently, the most common protective styles would include, wigs, faux locks, box braids, and simple twist outs. With these styles, this is your chance to get creative! You can use any color or colors and even go as long or short as you want. However, I would recommend natural colors and short to medium length hair. With natural hair colors, you don’t have to worry about your hair clashing with your outfit colors. As far has length of your hair, longer hair typically don’t last as long duet to tugging and pulling. But thats neither here or there!

Life is too short to have boring hair! πŸ’πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

No Ma’am’s and Yes Ma’am’s for your hair

Everyone knows this BIGGEST “no ma’am” when it comes to a woman’s hair– Don’t Touch! However, when it comes to YIOUR crown, there are a few things you need to know to keep it poppin’!

Let’s start with with the “no ma’ams” or don’ts for your hair. When wearing protective styles, stay away from pulling your hair. Don’t wear hairstyles that are too tight, especially around your edges. This can lead to a sore scalp and eventually hair loss. The next “no ma’am” is important for wash day. When drying your hair, it is best to air dry, use a microfiber towel, or even and old cotton t-shirt. This method keeps you from using harsh towels on your hair which drains the oils and moisture leaving your hair dry and frizzy. A few more hair don’ts would include washing your hair too much, detangling hair when dry, and

Now for the good stuff! The juicy stuff that’ll have your hair making you feel like a queen! The first “yes ma’am” when it comes to your hair will be to keep your ends trimmed. Like most things in life, you can’t grow unless you get rid of those dead ends! Most hair specialist recommend that you trim your hair every 3 months. This will help your hair to look healthy and keep from having to do too much maintenance. Our 2nd “yes ma’am” is another major key for wash day– Detangle your hair with a wide tooth comb. After washing your hair, you must detangle it. However, being the it is wet and curly, you should use a wide tooth comb so you that don’t pull out your hair and simply because it would be less painful. Also, when coming out wet hair with a small tooth comb, it only cause more tangles. A few more do’s would to sleep on satin pillow cases or in a satin head wrap, drink plenty of water, use minimum heat, and stick to a simple regimen. Remember, less is best!

Now that you have some of my major keys when it comes to your crown, its time for you to put it to a test. If you’re deciding to go natural, I will tell you know now, it’s going to take some getting use to! The most important thing to remember is that you make your crown unique, so don’t compare your hair or process to anyone else’s. oh and LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO HAVE BORING HAIR! πŸ’πŸ½β€β™€οΈ